Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fire Brigade Visit

      Late Sunday night our French roommate Aurelie Mercier came back from holiday. She is 21 and studying law. So far most of our conversations have begun with the phrase "in my country..." comparing the differences between France, Ireland and the U.S. Aurelie has been here for a full semester already and  given Abby and I with a few tips and tricks to help with our adjustment. Seeing as though our commute to the university is quite long she said a bike is an absolute must. Abby went down to Eyre Square yesterday and rented one, however I'm so cheap I don't know if I can shell out 90 euro for a bike. I know it would be a good investment, but I'm going to check with some of the church families first and see if anyone has a spare bike lying around that is not being used. I'm torn because it would certainly be nice to cut down on my walking time, but I do enjoy my walk to and from school. Although most of it's city buildings and roads there are patches of beautiful Irish countryside that make my heart stop and mind marvel at God's beautiful creation. My walking time gives me time alone to pray or listen to sermons. I can get through a full sermon or at least half.  I have yet to find a good option for working out,  but my walk gives me at least a little bit of exercise.
     Aurelie also warned us that when the fire alarm goes off it goes off in every apartment unit and is quite loud and obnoxious. Early this morning at 12:30 we experienced what Aurelie was talking about. The alarm sounded and she wasn't kidding, it rang in every apartment just as loud and obnoxious as she had explained. Everyone came out of their apartments to wait for the fire brigade or maintenance to shut the alarm system off. It was quite something to see everyone trudge outside in raincoats and pajamas half asleep wondering where the fire was and who started it. Was someone having a late night dinner and burned something? Did somebody get a little too lazy and didn't want to stand in the rain to smoke so they lit up inside? No one really knows, but I can't say anyone was super thrilled to stand in the rain in the middle of the night, so I decided I'd take advantage of the humorous situation. Here are a few photos from our late night visit from the fire brigade

Everyone stood outside speaking different languages. I wasn't able to understand everything said, but you can interpret annoyance and cold in any language :  )

My Roommates Abby & Aurelie

The sky had an interesting pinkish red color
     On Wednesdays I don't have class so I had three goals for the day. I wanted to find a bike, rain jacket and coffee shop. I accomplished....none. Although I didn't get done what I had planned I still consider it a productive day.  It rained today...shocking, but I made myself go into town despite the bad weather. I know if I don't start making myself get used it to it I will stay inside all the time. Although I enjoy being warm and comfortable I can sit inside in the U.S. I need to take advantage of the opportunities I don't have back at home.
    I have coined a new phrase, the Sidewalk Shower. When cars are traveling quickly they splash through the large puddles and absolutely drench you as you walk along the sidewalk. Poor Allison, all of 5'1" got completely soaked today in a sidewalk shower. Even worse she experienced a sidewalk shower on her way to campus and then again on her way back. Haha poor girl, at least she got both sides.

I'm going to go finish my devo so I'll finish this post later.

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