Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Legend & Crepe Excitement

      I promise today's post will be shorter than my last was :  ) It wasn't a very eventful day in Galway, but enjoyable nonetheless. Seeing as though I had quite a long weekend and only slept 4.5 hours Sunday night, I figured I should let my body get some rest. No worries, I'll be up bright and early tomorrow morning for another run! Besides mom is checking up on me, making sure I'm in shape just incase I join her team. 
    I woke up around 8 and found that Abby C. had made a special french toast dish. Yumm! It was a delicious and nice morning surprise. Even better, at breakfast Aurelie announced that tomorrow is La Chandeleur, a Catholic Holiday in France celebrated by eating crepes. Dear morning you can't come soon enough! Okay so yes it's slightly counter productive to wake up early for a run, only to come back and feast on crepes with peanut butter and nutella. However, I don't really mind, because I believe this is the last time I'll have a French roommate and will officially celebrate La Chandeleur. This said, I will take full advantage of our crepe feast and enjoy!
     An additional morning surprise came out my window as Abby C. told me to take a look outside. Displayed across the morning sky was a beautiful rainbow. A little hard to see in the photo (look on the left side) but it was lovely. The second one I've seen since my arrival. God's promise to never flood the earth again is an amazing site against the Galway scenery.


     Now that all of my pictures are finally posted on facebook and my looooong blog from the weekend is complete, I believe everyone should be updated. There have been a few requests for more pictures. You can look at additional pictures following these links:



     During my castles course I sat next to Owen an Irish student, who unlike me, is an actual archaeology major and this course matters for his degree. He explained to me that our professor Dr. Kieran O'Conor is a legend. I had no idea, I knew that he was quite passionate about Castles and had written a book, but wasn't informed about his status on campus. Apparently he won lecturer of the year a couple years back. After handing out the reading list I also discovered he has written his fair share of books and other such archeological publications. Who knew Mr. I Love Castles was actually an archaeology hero.
     Surprise it rained again today, but sadly I left my rain pants at home. Bum deal! I was quite sopping wet by the time I made it back to my apartment. Thankfully I had my umbrella, but it was a reminder of why citizens of Galway don't use umbrellas. As if the rain isn't bad enough the wind is just nasty. Unfortunately umbrellas usually get turned inside out and fly right out of your hand. I borrowed this photo from a friend, Katie, who documented the destruction of umbrellas in Galway.

Galway wind 2, Umbrellas 0
     In our Irish class we learned to sing Oro Se do Bheatha 'Bhaile, a traditional Irish song. Our professor explained that everyone in Ireland knows this song and we must know the lyrics if we were going out to a trad pub. I really enjoyed singing along and I've been practicing. Maybe, just maybe Abby C. and I will do a duet and record it for you :  )

     It's official! I am signed up to run the Spiddal Triathlon May 21st! I'm excited, I think it'll be a good challenge and motivation to get out and exercise.

     Throughout the day it seems like I notice the very smallest things that remind me of home. For example last night I was hungry for a snack and found that we had celery in the fridge. So I made ants on a log. A great snack and warm memories of home

Yumm! Ants on a log ;  )
 With Love from Galway

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