Thursday, March 31, 2011

Things fall into place...

     I've found it quite difficult to keep up blogging while stay afloat with finals looming, however I'm trying to keep up! Recap of the last couple of days....

    Although the 10-day forecasts calls for rain each and everyday it's been surprisingly nice. So much so Mondays lunch was eaten down by the river enjoying blooming daffodils and soaking up sunshine. Eating outside was a nice change of pace from the usual hustle and bustle of the concourse.

Many others also took the opportunity to enjoy the warm sunlight and either eat or work outside filling ever picnic table.

     After two weeks away from yoga, Mondays class felt especially nice. Paul does a wonderful job instructing, challenging and teaching us in the studio. Inquiring about our weekends Friday's yoga on the beach came up. Excitedly Paul offered to join us next time. How great is that? Having a personal yoga instructor for lessons on the beach!


        My oh my....Tuesday marked my very first test this entire semester. Crazy to think back in La Crosse midterms would be on my plate as countless quizzes, tests and exams would've already crossed my desk. The test was in my castles course as our mark is compromised of a 20 Question multiple choice test worth (10%) and a final paper worth (90%). Dr. Sherlock began the class explaining "Each question is worth a half a percent" ahaha...well that takes the pressure of things. I must say that's a statement I wouldn't mind hearing more often. Anyway the test was horrendous. Throughout the semester they emphasized it's very quite easy, just covers general broad topics. Dr. O'Connor explained most students are quite scared, but they end up doing well as it helps their grade. Okay I suppose I can handle this, besides with the exception of the 2 lectures during the week my family visited, I've gone to every single lecture.

.....Specific dates!? Detailed Case study questions?!? Distinct features on specified've gotta be kidding me. Clearly the Irish translation of an overview of broad general topics is quite different than that of the states. Hardly knowing any answers there was no point to stress over it. Circling random choices, trying to remember as best I could, I laughed it off turning in my exam. I've NEVER been a student who can just "not study" however, for this exam I did very little studying and I couldn't be happier. What a waste of time it would have been, there's no way I would have been able to memorize the minute details and specifics of each castle. It's over and done with... whether it went well or poorly there's always tomorrow.

   The rest of my Tuesday was kind of a flop. Returning home from my castles exam fortunate enough to have the entire day free I began working on my final paper for Violence. Although I finished most of my Org. Psych project it was just wasn't as productive of a day as I hoped it would be. Holding 25% of the final mark our 2nd Org. Psych project is of high importance. However, its difficulty is quite low, as we are required to apply our knowledge from class answering 4 questions. With use of class lecture notes it's truly not a difficult task keeping in mind Dr. Keane went as far as to specify we did NOT need to do outside research.
     When is it due? April 13th...plenty of time. Receiving complaints and requests for extension Dr. Keane agreed to change the deadline, as it now due May 12th!!!! You've gotta be kidding me? May12th?!? Understanding this project holds great weight, it is still simply 4 questions! This type of assignment/project might be given on a Monday and expected back by Wednesday or Friday. Maybe at the latest, the following week if it were given back in La Crosse.  By no means am I complaining especially because grading, guidelines and requirements for assignments are very confusing and contradicting as I haven't much of anything consistent in the Irish education system.


     Attending Bible class at Emmaus from 11-2  we discussed the importance of commentaries, Bible dictionaries and other such resources to aid in study. Learning about different types and their pros and cons was very interesting. Especially to find out I was using them incorrectly!

After class the quiet room was seemingly perfect to finish my Violence paper. Allowing me solitude with bright sunlight streaming in over the canal upstairs at An Tobar Nua was the perfect location to hammer out my paper. Required length falls between 3,000-3,500 yesterday I finished 1/3! It's quite rough and needs a lot of revision, however at the very least it's on paper.

     By 4:15pm as I left An Tobar Nua the sun shown brightly over Galway creating an inviting atmosphere outside. Shop street was packed as it is clear tourist season has arrived.

Eyre Square

    Over the last week everyone and their brother have taken advantage of the sunshine to paint their stores. It makes sense why all of the shop fronts are so vibrantly colored because they paint often. Making sure not to brush up too close to a building I've avoided "Wet Paint" signs hung all over the city.

    As I rode home thoughts of our final CU came to mind as I remebered I would have the opportunity to share my testimony. God has done so many incredible things in my life, what would I share? Throughout my ride home I continued to think about this. Checking my mailbox as I walked past towards my flat a small brown box caught my eye. Packages aren't ever left in mailboxes as they never fit inside. However, this one slid in nicely as it was flat and narrow. Could it be?!? No, that's not possible, Jitka's Czech Bible isn't supposed to come an entire month. Walking to the apartment retrieving the mailbox key, racking my brain, I just didn't know what could be in that box. It was indeed Jitka's Bible! Excitidely I ripped it open to find a beautiful blue leather hardcover Bible.

So I have the opportunity to share my testimony and Jitka's Bible came an entire month early...Jitka needs to come to CU this evening. Tired I was about to skip the opportunity and make an excuse to ask her later, maybe she doesn't want to come? or maybe she's not home. No way! Things were falling into place perfectly. God provided a wonderful opportunity and I needed to take advantage of it. Not only was Jitka home, but she was also thrilled to receive the invitation. Yes!!

Joining us for worship and testimony Jitka was able to hear the incredibly power and love of my savior Jesus Christ. Choosing to share about my surgeries and car accident Jitka explained she almost began to cry as I shared my story. Following our time at CU a large group walked over to Java's, a cute coffee shop open until 4am. Much past my bedtime! However, it was great craic as Kaylee brought her guitar and Dan played Jack Johnson songs and sang along. Listening to songs from my favorite artist, in a cute coffee shop surrounded by great friends and fellowship. It was beautiful! Jitka told Abby C. and I she is feeling quite depressed. With little to no interaction with her roommates she is very lonely and has nothing to look forward to. Living with her boyfriend at home in Czech has left her quite lonely in Galway. Finishing exams May 11th Jitka wants to travel to Scotland, but has no one to do it with. She said she likes to have everything planned out, but she has nothing on her calendar and she's been quite upset and sad lately. It was heartbreaking to see Jitka crushed and so sad. However, she explained the more she isn't able to control the more spontaneous good things happen. Hmmm sounds like a good relationship with Christ? Surrendering control and allowing God to work on His time? On our bike home she said

 "I now have a greater understanding for why someone would believe"
"I almost began crying as I heard your story"
"I don't think I could ever believe" when questioned why she replied "because I'm too rational of a thinker"
"My home country and family are so different I think it would be too difficult"
"But if something happened like that one girl, then maybe I would"
           Lydia also shared her testimony a part of which included her praying that if God were truly real he would break her. Several months later Lydia found her life in shambles and turned to the Lord. Jitka explained this was very powerful and if it happened to her, maybe she would believe. Either tonight or tomorrow I'm going to bring Jitka her Czech Bible and talk with her about any questions she has. It is by God's work and the Holy Spirit that a change of heart can occur. For now I will continue to passionately pray for Jitka and her saddened questioning heart.

God is so good, presenting that opportunity was just perfect. Things fell into place just so....another example of God's timing is perfect.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Love in Lehinch

     Our surf school is run by John McCarthy, a nice guy with loads of experience. However, I didn't exactly know how famous he was until Joy posted this video.

John was incredibly friendly, chatting with us, helping us with gear and tips. Inviting us to church in the morning he gave directions and an open invitation. Saturday night marked daylight savings in Ireland, consequently throwing our clocks off. Unfortunately we woke up a bit late, but still managed to make it to church on time.

The walk to church was lovely. Down by the ocean the smell of saltwater fills the air as the waves repeatedly crash against the rocks. Moving out of town the scenery quickly changes to green rolling hills and the sweet aroma of agriculture. Memories of the family farm in spring came flooding in. Graduation parties, running through fields, tire swings... Although I'm thousands of miles away the familiar scent brought comfort, as if I was back home on the farm. Warm sun shown brightly blanketing the fields illuminating flowers and all in its path. The mile walk was refreshing and well worth it.

Expecting a venue much larger, I was a bit shocked to find such a small room and congregation. With only about 30 seats Clare Community Church is small in size, but mighty in faith.

   Entering the building most seats were taken, however noticing our arrival members quickly gave up their chairs allowing our group to sit together. Although a small gesture, a powerful one nonetheless. I would like to think I would do this for others, but realistically I don't think I would. Move over? Yes, but get up and make a scene just so new comers would feel welcomed, allowing them to sit with one another?...probably not. A gentleman greeted us at the door; more than likely I would expect him to set up chairs for new comers rather than me move. It was a bit of a sad realization, but a good one as well because I now understand what a large impact a small gesture has.

John led worship as we sang  This is My Desire

This is my hearts desire, to honor you
Lord with all my heart I worship you
all I have within me to bring you praise
all that I adore is in you

Lord I give you my heart
I give you my soul
I live for you alone
every breath that I take
every moment I'm awake
Lord have your way in me

In the past I've talked about worshiping with international voices, yesterday I was blessed again to sit between Francois (France) and Samuel (Switzerland) as a pastor sat in front of me from Holland, the home pastor from Scotland and John from Ireland sang. With such a tiny room, the sound was absolutely incredible. Sitting below a skylight the bright sunshine streamed in as passionate voices filled the room with praise. Probably hundreds of times I've sang This is My Desire, however yesterday it hit me differently than it had before. The lines "every breath that I take, every moment I'm awake, Lord have your way in me"spoke to my heart. I know that all I do is for the glory of God, but it hit me yesterday that even as I surf, I am to do it to glorify God. Every single breath and action I take, is for Him. The last line says "have your way in me" in the past I've sang it saying "have your way with me". I realized "in me" suggests that I am his tool and He chooses to use me how He sees fit, not just put me somewhere. I desire to be His tool. A small word change, but a big difference. There is no point stressing out over this massive paper due next Monday or complaining. I am living for Him and He is sovereign and holy.  The body of believers were so kind and welcoming as we joined them for worship. 

Making our way home we were blessed to have another mile walk back through the beautiful countryside marveling at God's creation. 

Just in time for another surf lesson, yesterdays was a bit colder than Saturdays. Saturdays waves were decently size, however yesterdays were quite large stretching far over my head. The surfing was still great, but wipeouts were hard and frequent, tumbling through the ocean tossed here and there. The waves really beat us up, but all in all it was still great craic.

Running back to the hostel we showered quick, grabbed a delicious ice cream cone and headed home. We were so blessed by the owner of the hostel allowing us to leave our bags inside even after we had "checked out". We were even able to shower and use all of the facilities. In addition we caught our bus in the perfect time so we wouldn't have to wait an additional hour. What a wonderful weekend, filled with fun people, amazing waves, beautiful sunshine, great fellowship and a loving body of Christ.

Amy and I said our goodbyes as she is on her way back to Spain. A great weekend, with a dear friend.

With Love from Galway

I even got a little sunburned. Yes! Who thought that would happen in Ireland!?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Surfs Up With Amy

      My goodness, 10 days of travel really takes it out of you. Finally, home sweet home, back in Galway cozy in my apartment. It's about time this blog is updated. Many stories of family adventures have yet to be posted, however I feel as though my weekend adventures should be taken care of before I forget.

     Returning to Galway Wednesday evening, Thursday mornings presentation came early. Seeing as though my family didn't have access into the apartment building, sitting outside in the warm morning sun practicing my presentation was my best option. After 40 minutes with no sight of the family, I was off to class. Flying down the steps my fathers voice echoed through the stairwell...I know that voice all too well. They made it just in time! It was nice to say one last goodbye, send home pictures for safe keeping and wish them enjoyable travels.  Presenting first was a blessing, as I was able to get it over and done with. As far as I can tell it went well; now for that 3,000 word essay due next Monday...ouch. However, upon completion of the essay the class will officially be finished!

    With my presentation complete my body was tired from the week of travel as my mind wandered and head bobbed during my Applied Organisational Pscyhology course. The 2 hours seemed to drag on forever, as most of it was a blur. However, the end of class signaled the beginning of fun adventures as Amy, my dear friend from highschool, flew in from Spain to join me for a weekend of fun in the sun surfing.

Arriving at 6:15pm, Amy's bus was right on time for us to venture over to the Irish International Hotel & Catering School, the location of this weeks 3D evening. Our Minion theme for the evening centered around the film Despicable Me. Sandlin, my pastors wife put in a great deal of work drawing, coloring and creating minions out of dish washing gloves.

Entering the party instructions were given to make name tags and our own minions out of fingers cut from dish gloves.

In addition to name tags and minions, 5 coins and lollies were distributed as part of a game. Throughout the night we were to challenge one another in coin tosses and games of rock, paper, scissors. Rock, Paper, Scissors was given many different names in several languages, however I can't think of them for the life of me. In order to get us all on the same page, I was asked to explain the game so we would all compete with the same rules. Coins and lollies passed between one another, as the winner received them as a prize.

 After many games and good conversation it was finally time to dig in. The culinary students made us many delicious hor d'oeuvres to try. Indeed they were yummy!

,hor d'oeuvres

Good friends, Arturo & Joannie!

So glad Amy made it just in time to meet my church family
 and enjoy the delicious meal!

       Following the meal it was time to watch Despicable Me, a cute cartoon, with great lessons.  Making it home at a decent hour we decided to hit the hay, waking up to a picnic at Salthill on Friday! Unfortunately, late Wednesday an e-mail was sent explaining a tutorial was scheduled Friday morning. Not wanting to attend, I decided it wasn't wise to skip it. Boy am I ever glad to have made that choice. Only 2 of us showed up and the instructor was incredibly helpful, providing insights for the final exam and help anytime I was in need. What a great contact to have and wealth of knowledge.
     Abby C. brought Amy to campus, showing her around our buildings, eventually meeting me at Griffins (my favorite bakery). Each picking out a new dessert we headed out to Salthill for a picnic.

Upon arrival many swimsuits caught my eye. It was quite warm...but not that adventerous and fun as it sounded I wasn't about to join in. Elise, Aurelie and Abby C. braved the cold waves jumping in for a quick test of the water.

Brave girls

Others of us enjoyed warmer activities, such as Anja with her favorite, a smoke and coffee.

We all enjoyed our new desserts, especially Amy's maple cake. I think I'll go to Griffins more often!

With plenty of sunshine and nothing on the schedule we took time to relax. Reminiscing over memorable summer nights and friends back home we both agree, our adventures abroad have both been enjoyable, but dear friends like Chelsey and Kara are missed!

Most sights and sounds from the beach were quite fun and cute such as the little ones playing in the sand.

However, there were also a few not so appealing sights such as this one...yikes

Collecting seashells, catching up and taking in vitamin D made our trip to the beach well worth it.


Walking along Shop Street, Amy and I came across a fellow balloon artist/clown. We thought our mother clown, Freiberg would be proud!

March 25th marks Daffodil Day, a fundraiser for the Irish Cancer Society, in Ireland. As one of my favorite flowers, I was thrilled to see the streets lined with dozens of brightly colored Daffodils.

In preparation for the surf trip, Abby C. went exploring shops for sunscreen. My goodness it's expensive. Who knew sunscreen in Ireland would cost you an arm and a leg?

Dinner time! Amy hasn't eaten many potatoes in Spain, but heard Ireland has plenty. As a special treat we decided to add a little flavor and put them in the oven. Very tasty!

Potatoes weren't the only item lacking in Amy's life. She had never experienced drinking a Guinness. So off to the pub it was for a bit of trad and pint of Guiness. Unfortunately, trad music was hard to find, but Monroe's had a great cover band and lively atmosphere.

Guinness Girls

What a sweetheart, she even bought me a drink!

Lehinch here we come! A small sleepy surfer town, Lehinch is located south of Galway. The town was so grand it has captured my heart and the title of my favorite village in Ireland.

Joy & Abby C. studying the map of Lehinch

Beautiful Ms. Amy Palmer 

Surfers at sunset

The love chair...we didn't utilize it.

Typical Amy always wanting to learn and experience new things asked the Hurlers on the beach for a little lesson.

Abby C. was a pro!

Sadly I have no pictures of me surfing as we didn't have a photographer. However, there are a few group photos I'll try and get my hands on. All in all, I have fallen in love with surfing. Not to toot my own horn, but I was called "brilliant" and "a natural surfer" You can imagine I had loads of fun! If only Wisconsin lakes had waves. It's going to be a bit difficult to fill my desire to surf back home.

Walk on the beach at sunset

Following surfing it was time to warm up. Tea time!

The guys were absolute gentleman making and serving us dinner. Pasta and tea made for a perfect meal, after a long day.

Breakfast at Joe's Cafe!
More stories from Lehinch to come, but it's close to 1am. Surfing is grand, but it tires you out. Time for bed : )

With Love from Galway 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Car Rides & Candy

     Yesterdays adventures were not exactly thrilling as most of our time was spent in the car. Driving from Dublin to Killarney Katie and I took in scenery from the back seat, but struggled to stay awake.

Stopping at a petro station Dad purchased candy to eat in the oh my, we ate way too much sugar yesterday. However, my favorites were definitely the malted eggs from the Mobergs. Yum!

Shopping at the Killarney outlet mall Katie and I wandered through shops as Mom and Dad searched for a B&B. Not the best idea to split up considering we don't have cellphones to reconnect with. We thought for sure we had lost Dad in Killarney. Thankfully we found one another and a great little B&B as well. 

After going without a hairdryer we were thrilled to find one included in our room. Who would have thought a hairdryer would be our favorite part of our B&B. 

Many shops have beautiful tea sets. I found this display to be especially lovely, reminding me of our numerous tea parties with Grandma Vivian. 

Not so lovely would be their doughnuts. Ewww, what kind of squashed plastic is this? 

Dinner at Milano's became last night's highlight. Each of us enjoyed absolutely delicious dishes. Katie and I shared pesto pasta and a Bosco salad(mushroom, avocado, goat cheese, honey-mustard sauce). Wow! It was incredible. Finishing dinner we went to find live music. The first pub was a bit of a disappointment, but featured a few nice songs.  Coming across Courrtney's a more traditional pub we found grand trad with great craic.

With Love from Killarney