Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Pancakes & Solitude

      Good Morning Galway! Spring has sprung and it sure is beautiful. One of my favorite flowers, yellow daffodils have popped up everywhere. They are a wonderful sight. The drought has ended this morning with a fresh sprinkling of rain, after going over a week without it. I must admit it was quite nice and welcome back anytime. My family would most likely appreciate the unusually dry weather as they are not used to being poured on everyday. Speaking of which, the count down until their arrival is only 9 short days. Ahh!! I've got lots to do before they get here.

    Yesterday, up early at 4:45am I laid in bed for 3 hours ...why?!? I haven't a clue. Such a lazy start to the morning put me behind schedule not allowing time for a run. Frustrated by my lack of motivation the morning was a bit unsettling. However, Monday's 2:30pm yoga class always makes my day. On our return from campus the sunlit fields and warm air made it irresistible to be outside. Feeling refreshed, flexible and ready for a run, my fancy new shoes and I were set to take on the road.

Ironically my t-shirt is from a track meet which reads
"All set?, you bet!"

      Sunshine radiating on my pale skin and wind blowing through my hair couldn't have made the days run any better. Around mile 1.5 my lung weren't cooperating, settling for a .5mi walk I was later able to pick up the pace again. Seeing as though it was 5pm, many cars whizzed past as rush hour traffic returned home from work. Reaching the countryside traffic slowed and silence swept over the fields. Glimmering ivy crept up old barns as thorn bushes tangled their way through stone fences. God's creation is truly magnificent. Standing in silence taking in the beauty of His work I treasured my solitude and time in prayer. A bit crazy I realize, but deciding to smile as I ran gave me an optimistic attitude and even greater appreciation for God's artwork around me. It was a joy to get many smiles and waves from those passing by as well.

     Finishing my run Abby C. and I made dinner and opened our bottle of wine. Yikes, that's going to be an acquired taste. Managing to take three bitter sips, I simply couldn't do it. Not to mention I felt a little dehydrated from the run, so wine wasn't exactly what I was in the mood for.

   Waking up to find my almost full wine glass, the girls saved it for me incase I was courageous enough to attempt drinking it again...no thanks.

     During dinner I was absolutely pooped. I didn't even feel like finishing. Returning to my room, I finished computer work and random tasks, it wasn't even 9pm, but I was ready for bed. Ireland has brought a lot of change, however some things just don't change. How I love my early bed times. :  )

     Today is Fat Tuesday, none of us have celebrated it back home, but decided we'd do so here. In Ireland most make pancakes for the occasion. Aurelie has never tried pancakes, so it was a must! Explaining they were essential thick crepes, we hoped she would like them. A bit skeptical, seeing as though her last attempt at American food didn't go so well. Let's just say she doesn't enjoy Ants On A Log, one of my favorite snacks! Thankfully Aurelie loved pancakes! We even taught her to make mickey mouse :  )

Aurelie makes her very first pancake!
Unfortunately, we didn't purchase any maple syrup, but at some point we need to. It's just not right to be a Wisconsinite introducing pancakes to someone, but not offering them maple syrup as well.

Fresh fruit = my favorite
Getting crafty with our pancake making I even tried a 4 leaf clover. I thought it was only fitting. So aside from nutella, peanut butter, and whip cream we also had oranges and spinach scrambled eggs to balance out the sugar overload.

Success! Aurelie has her very first Mickey Mouse pancake, complete with peanut butter, nutella and whip cream.

     There were a load of dishes to be washed after flinging pancake batter everywhere!

Today's lecture was canceled, but I've got plenty to do. Off to campus to work on an assignment! Hope you're enjoying your day :  )

With Love from Galway

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