Saturday, March 5, 2011

Jitka's Heart Tugs

     Last weekend in Belfast you may remember reading about Jim's warnings to us concerning pubs religious affiliations. While Jim informed us, Jitka walked to the left of me making our way to the pub. After finishing his story, turning to Jitka I asked if this were true of the Czech republic? Explaining freedom of religion was once not allowed, she went on to say present day Czech now accepts the practice of religions. However, they are home to one of the least religious populations on earth. Most are atheist or agnostic. Both Jitka's mother and father are atheist and she is agnostic. Asking my religious affiliations I explained to her growing up in a Bible believing church and my salvation through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Very receptive to my explanation Jitka turned and said "I have no purpose to my life, I wish I had some sort of purpose" Whoa! Her heart is yearning for Christ's love as she is obviously curious. It was almost difficult to comprehend having no purpose, as I thought about my purpose in life to glorify God.
     Jitka, Abby C. and I stuck close throughout the night and ventured home early seeing as though none of us are night owls. Bunking together in both hostels during our trip, we were able to spend time getting to know one another. With a need to finish studying  Jitka brought along her novel. Upon noticing I was also reading she asked what I was studying. Telling her it was my Bible she asked to look at it. Slowly with a curious look upon her face she leafed through the pages. As the pages slipped by she said "You know, I should read the Bible." Was this really happening?!? Jitka's heart is so anxious to know Christ. Offering her my Bible any time she liked, she thanked me, but explained reading the Bible in Czech would be much easier for her.
     I've been praying the Holy Spirit would continue to work on Jitka's heart and draw her near Christ as she is clearly searching. It breaks my heart to know her heart is lost and does not know the all-encompasing Peace and Joy that only come with a personal relationship with Christ. Please pray for Jitka's curious heart.

Our group at the Crown pub. Jitka is seated to my left.

With Love from Galway

1 comment:

  1. awesome Abby! the Lord is working on hearts! That's really encouraging...
